From Foreign Language Education to Education for Intercultural Citizenship Languages for Intercultural Communication and Education, nr. 17 Autor Michael (University of Durham) Byram 26 mai 2008 Paperback Preț: 158.94 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
Understanding Deaf Culture Autor Paddy Ladd 18 mar 2003 Paperback Preț: 234.20 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
A Parents' and Teachers' Guide to Bilingualism (4th Edition): An Ecological Perspective Parents' and Teachers' Guides, nr. 18 Autor Colin Baker 8 apr 2014 Paperback Preț: 96.44 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
Measuring Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition Second Language Acquisitions, nr. 45 Autor James Milton 31 aug 2009 Paperback Preț: 230.53 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
Care and Education of Young Bilinguals: English-German, Functionalist Approaches Illustrated Autor Colin Baker 31 dec 1999 Paperback Preț: 111.14 lei 3-5 săpt.
Choosing a Mother Tongue Multilingual Matters Autor Corinne A Seals 11 noi 2024 Paperback Preț: 229.55 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
Motivation, Autonomy and Emotions in Foreign Language Learning Psychology of Language Learning and Teaching Autor Kata Csizér et al. 11 noi 2024 Paperback Preț: 228.77 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
The Affective Dimension in English-Medium Instruction in Higher Education Bilingual Education & Bilingualism Editat de David Lasagabaster et al. 12 noi 2024 Paperback Preț: 311.15 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
English for Academic Purposes New Perspectives on Language and Education Autor Douglas E Bell 10 sep 2024 Paperback Preț: 229.38 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
Working Memory and Second Language Learning Second Language Acquisition, nr. 100 Autor Zhisheng (Edward) Wen 5 iun 2016 Paperback Preț: 229.55 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
English for Diplomatic Purposes Editat de Patricia Friedrich 14 mai 2016 Paperback Preț: 230.64 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
Positive Psychology in SLA Second Language Acquisition, nr. 97 Editat de Peter D. Macintyre et al. 14 apr 2016 Paperback Preț: 276.32 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
Literacy Theories for the Digital Age New Perspectives on Language and Education, nr. 45 Autor Kathy A. Mills 2 dec 2015 Paperback Preț: 229.55 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
Maintaining Three Languages Parents' And Teachers' Guides, nr. 22 Autor Xiao-Lei (Pace University) Wang 4 noi 2015 Paperback Preț: 166.80 lei 3-5 săpt.
Teaching Languages Online MM TEXTBOOKS, nr. 12 Autor Carla Meskill et al. 14 iul 2015 Paperback Preț: 193.52 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
Sociocultural Theory in Second Language Education (2nd Edition): An Introduction Through Narratives MM Textbooks, nr. 11 Autor Merrill Swain et al. 11 feb 2015 Paperback Preț: 144.81 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
Family Language Learning Parents' and Teachers' Guides, nr. 19 Autor Christine Jernigan 14 ian 2015 Paperback Preț: 111.14 lei 3-5 săpt.
Motivational Dynamics in Language Learning Second Language Acquisition, nr. 81 Editat de Zoltan Dornyei et al. 13 oct 2014 Paperback Preț: 276.86 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
Key Topics in Second Language Acquisition MM Textbooks, nr. 10 Autor Vivian J. Cook et al. 2 apr 2014 Paperback Preț: 144.40 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
Language Strategies for Trilingual Families Parents' and Teachers' Guides, nr. 17 Autor Andreas Braun et al. 2 feb 2014 Paperback Preț: 93.65 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
A Scholar's Guide to Getting Published in English Autor Mary Jane Curry et al. 14 noi 2013 Paperback Preț: 125.85 lei 3-5 săpt.
Identity and Language Learning (2nd Edition): Extending the Conversation Autor Bonny Norton 6 oct 2013 Paperback Preț: 130.95 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
Bilingual and Multilingual Education in the 21st Century Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, nr. 94 Editat de Christian Abello-Contesse et al. 29 oct 2013 Paperback Preț: 275.22 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
Ethnography, Superdiversity and Linguistic Landscapes Critical Language and Literacy Studies, nr. 18 Autor Jan Blommaert 21 aug 2013 Paperback Preț: 143.54 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
Collaborative Writing in L2 Classrooms New Perspectives on Language and Education, nr. 31 Autor Neomy Storch 4 iul 2013 Paperback Preț: 191.32 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
Interpretation (2nd Edition): Techniques and Exercises Professional Interpreting in the Real World, nr. 4 Autor Jr. Nolan, James 8 oct 2012 Paperback Preț: 193.52 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
Teaching Languages to Students with Specific Learning Differences MM Textbooks, nr. 8 Autor Judit (Lancaster University) Kormos et al. 17 ian 2012 Paperback Preț: 193.23 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
A Practical Guide for Translators: Learning to Talk and Talking to Learn Topics in Translation Autor Geoffrey Samuelsson-Brown 28 feb 2010 Paperback Preț: 148.03 lei 3-5 săpt.
An Introduction to Bilingual Development MM Textbooks, nr. 4 Autor Annick De Houwer 14 mai 2009 Paperback Preț: 107.94 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
Growing Up with Three Languages Parents' and Teachers' Guides Autor Xiao-Lei (Pace University) Wang 6 noi 2008 Paperback Preț: 149.09 lei 3-5 săpt.
Teaching and Learning in Multicultural Schools: An Integrated Approach Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, nr. 13 Autor Elizabeth Coelho 31 aug 1998 Paperback Preț: 233.13 lei 3-5 săpt.
About Translation Bera Dialogues, nr. 74 Autor Peter Newmark et al. 31 mai 1991 Paperback Preț: 218.63 lei 3-5 săpt.
Cognate Vocabulary in Language Acquisition and Use: Attitudes, Awareness, Activation Second Language Acquisition, nr. 93 Autor Agnieszka Otwinowska 14 oct 2015 Paperback Preț: 375.60 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Multilingual Turn in Languages Education: Opportunities and Challenges New Perspectives on Language and Education, nr. 40 Autor Jean Conteh 14 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 298.33 lei 6-8 săpt.
Teaching and Learning in Multilingual Contexts Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, nr. 96 Editat de Agnieszka Otwinowska et al. 12 ian 2014 Paperback Preț: 298.33 lei 6-8 săpt.
Native-Speakerism in Japan Multilingual Matters, nr. 151 Editat de Stephanie Ann Houghton et al. 18 feb 2013 Paperback Preț: 296.42 lei 6-8 săpt.
Sociolinguistics and Language Education New Perspectives on Language and Education, nr. 18 Editat de Nancy H. Hornberger et al. 31 mai 2010 Paperback Preț: 317.58 lei 6-8 săpt.
Bilingual Minds Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, nr. 56 Editat de Aneta Pavlenko 12 mar 2006 Paperback Preț: 301.20 lei 6-8 săpt.
Effects of the Second Language on First Second Language Acquisitions, nr. 03 Editat de V. J. Cook et al. 31 ian 2003 Paperback Preț: 260.19 lei 6-8 săpt.
Being and Becoming a Speaker of Japanese: An Autoethnographic Account Second Language Acquisition Autor Andrea Simon-Maeda 28 feb 2011 Paperback Preț: 257.51 lei 6-8 săpt.
Implicit and Explicit Knowledge in Second Language Learning, Testing and Teaching Second Language Acquisitions, nr. 42 Autor Rod Ellis et al. 14 iun 2009 Paperback Preț: 380.43 lei 6-8 săpt.
Deep Culture Languages for Intercultural Communication & Education Autor Joseph Shaules 15 oct 2007 Paperback Preț: 257.51 lei 6-8 săpt.
Living and Studying Abroad Languages for Intercultural Communication and Education, nr. 12 21 aug 2006 Paperback Preț: 263.29 lei 6-8 săpt.
Age and the Rate of Foreign Language Learning Second Language Acquisitions, nr. 19 Editat de Carmen Munoz 6 iul 2006 Paperback Preț: 262.32 lei 6-8 săpt.
Studies of Fossilization in Second Language Acquisition Second Language Acquisitions, nr. 14 Editat de Zhaohong Han et al. 31 oct 2005 Paperback Preț: 222.46 lei 6-8 săpt.
Foreign Language Teachers and Intercultural Competence Languages for Intercultural Communication and Education Autor Lies Sercu 24 aug 2005 Paperback Preț: 293.02 lei 6-8 săpt.
Recreational Tourism: Demand & Impacts Aspects of Tourism, nr. 11 Autor Chris Ryan 30 apr 2003 Hardback Preț: 709.17 lei 875.52 lei 6-8 săpt. -19%
An Introductory Reader to the Writings of Jim Cummins Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, nr. 29 15 iul 2001 Paperback Preț: 303.11 lei 6-8 săpt.
What Teachers Need to Know about Language Cal Series on Language Education, nr. 2 Editat de Carolyn Temple Adger et al. 31 iul 2018 Paperback Preț: 257.51 lei 6-8 săpt.
Creativity and Innovations in ELT Materials Development New Perspectives on Language and Education, nr. 58 Editat de Dat Bao 31 mar 2018 Hardback Preț: 779.43 lei 1012.24 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
Language, Education and Neoliberalism Critical Language and Literacy Studies, nr. 23 Editat de Mi-Cha Flubacher et al. 25 sep 2017 Paperback Preț: 371.56 lei 6-8 săpt.
Crosslinguistic Influence and Distinctive Patterns of Language Learning Second Language Acquisition, nr. 118 Autor Kari Tenfjord et al. 29 sep 2017 Hardback Preț: 834.91 lei 1084.29 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
Academic Biliteracies Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, nr. 107 Editat de David M. Palfreyman et al. 30 mar 2017 Paperback Preț: 295.45 lei 6-8 săpt.
Ideology, Ethics and Policy Development in Public Service Interpreting and Translation Translation, Interpreting and Social Justice in a Globalised, nr. 1 Editat de Carmen Valero-Garces et al. 30 mar 2017 Paperback Preț: 296.42 lei 6-8 săpt.
Preparing Teachers to Teach English as an International Language New Perspectives on Language and Education, nr. 53 Editat de Aya Matsuda 18 ian 2017 Paperback Preț: 300.24 lei 6-8 săpt.
Prescription and Tradition in Language Multilingual Matters, nr. 165 Editat de Ingrid Tieken-Boon Van Ostade et al. noi 2016 Hardback Preț: 929.72 lei 1207.43 lei 39-44 zile -23%
L2 Selves and Motivations in Asian Contexts Second Language Acquisition, nr. 106 Editat de Matthew T. Apple et al. 8 noi 2016 Paperback Preț: 374.65 lei 6-8 săpt.
Who’s Afraid of Multilingual Education?: Conversations with Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, Jim Cummins, Ajit Mohanty and Stephen Bahry about the Iranian Linguistic Diversity and Language Rights, nr. 15 Autor Amir Kalan 29 aug 2016 Hardback Preț: 720.29 lei 935.45 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
What We Talk about When We Talk about Creative Writing New Writing Viewpoints, nr. 14 Editat de Anna Leahy 14 iul 2016 Paperback Preț: 294.46 lei 6-8 săpt.
Reconceptualising Authenticity for English as a Global Language Second Language Acquisition, nr. 99 Autor Richard S. Pinner 6 iun 2016 Paperback Preț: 293.54 lei 6-8 săpt.
Reconceptualising Authenticity for English as a Global Language Second Language Acquisition, nr. 99 Autor Richard S. Pinner 14 iun 2016 Hardback Preț: 774.98 lei 1006.48 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
Working Memory and Second Language Learning: Towards an Integrated Approach Second Language Acquisition, nr. 100 Autor Zhisheng (Edward) Wen 14 iun 2016 Hardback Preț: 775.73 lei 1007.44 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
Decolonizing Primary English Language Teaching Linguistic Diversity and Language Rights, nr. 12 Autor Mario E. Lopez-Gopar 9 iun 2016 Hardback Preț: 831.19 lei 1079.46 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
Why English? Linguistic Diversity and Language Rights, nr. 13 Editat de Pauline Bunce et al. 9 iun 2016 Hardback Preț: 887.39 lei 1152.45 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
Complexity in Classroom Foreign Language Learning Motivation Second Language Acquisition, nr. 101 Autor Richard J. Sampson 14 iun 2016 Hardback Preț: 776.50 lei 1008.43 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
Rethinking Second Language Learning Second Language Acquisition, nr. 98 Editat de Marisa Cordella et al. 14 mai 2016 Paperback Preț: 297.36 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Linguistic Landscape of Chinatown: A Sociolinguistic Ethnography Encounters, nr. 6 Autor Jackie Jia Lou 11 mai 2016 Hardback Preț: 769.82 lei 999.77 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
Language, Immigration and Naturalization None Editat de Ariel Loring et al. 14 apr 2016 Paperback Preț: 292.55 lei 6-8 săpt.
Authenticity, Language and Interaction in Second Language Contexts Second Language Acquisition, nr. 96 Editat de Remi a. Van Compernolle et al. 14 apr 2016 Paperback Preț: 297.36 lei 6-8 săpt.
Towards Openly Multilingual Policies and Practices Linguistic Diversity and Language Rights, nr. 11 Autor Johanna Laakso et al. 2 mar 2016 Hardback Preț: 777.97 lei 1010.34 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
The Cultural and Intercultural Dimensions of English as a Lingua Franca: Assessing Minority Language Maintenance Across Europe Languages for Intercultural Communication and Education, nr. 29 Autor Prue Holmes 14 mar 2016 Paperback Preț: 292.55 lei 6-8 săpt.
Names and Naming Multilingual Matters, nr. 163 Editat de Guy Puzey et al. feb 2016 Paperback Preț: 444.76 lei 6-8 săpt.
Written Corrective Feedback for L2 Development Second Language Acquisition, nr. 96 Autor John Bitchener et al. 29 feb 2016 Paperback Preț: 257.51 lei 6-8 săpt.
Multilingual Perspectives on Child Language Disorders Communication Disorders Across Languages, nr. 14 Editat de Janet L. Patterson et al. 4 ian 2016 Paperback Preț: 372.71 lei 6-8 săpt.
Multilingual Perspectives on Child Language Disorders Communication Disorders Across Languages, nr. 14 Editat de Janet L. Patterson et al. 4 ian 2016 Hardback Preț: 831.95 lei 1080.45 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
The Multilingual City None Editat de Lid King et al. 14 ian 2016 Paperback Preț: 295.45 lei 6-8 săpt.
Crosslinguistic Influence in Second Language Acquisition Second Language Acquisition, nr. 95 Editat de Rosa Alonso Alonso 10 ian 2016 Paperback Preț: 296.42 lei 6-8 săpt.
Refugee Resettlement in the United States None Editat de Emily M. Feuerherm et al. 2 dec 2015 Paperback Preț: 295.45 lei 6-8 săpt.
Intercultural Learning in Modern Language Education Languages for Intercultural Communication and Education, nr. 28 Autor Erin Kearney 2 dec 2015 Paperback Preț: 291.57 lei 6-8 săpt.
Emotion and Discourse in L2 Narrative Research None Autor Matthew T. Prior 14 noi 2015 Paperback Preț: 301.20 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Acquisition of French in Multilingual Contexts Second Language Acquisition, nr. 94 Editat de Pedro Guijarro-Fuentes et al. 14 noi 2015 Hardback Preț: 831.95 lei 1080.45 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
New Perspectives on Transfer in Second Language Learning Second Language Acquisition, nr. 92 Editat de Li Ming Yu et al. 14 oct 2015 Paperback Preț: 373.30 lei 6-8 săpt.
Cross-Language Mediation in Foreign Language Teaching and Testing New Perspectives on Language and Education, nr. 43 Autor Maria Stathopoulou 9 sep 2015 Hardback Preț: 774.98 lei 1006.48 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
Adult Learning in the Language Classroom New Perspectives on Language and Education, nr. 44 Autor Stacey Margarita Johnson 14 sep 2015 Paperback Preț: 254.64 lei 6-8 săpt.
Language Ideology, Policy and Planning in Peru Multilingual Matters, nr. 161 Autor Serafin M. Coronel-Molina 14 sep 2015 Hardback Preț: 777.20 lei 1009.35 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
Demotivation in Second Language Acquisition Second Language Acquisition, nr. 90 Autor Keita Kikuchi 14 aug 2015 Hardback Preț: 718.80 lei 933.50 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
Cultural Migrants and Optimal Language Acquisition Second Language Acquisition, nr. 91 Editat de Fanny Forsberg Lundell et al. 14 aug 2015 Paperback Preț: 295.45 lei 6-8 săpt.
Linking Discourse Studies to Professional Practice Multilingual Matters, nr. 160 Editat de Lubie Grujicic-Alatriste 14 aug 2015 Hardback Preț: 834.91 lei 1084.29 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
Emerging Self-Identities and Emotion in Foreign Language Learning Second Language Acquisition, nr. 89 Autor Masuko Miyahara 14 iul 2015 Hardback Preț: 721.76 lei 937.36 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
Interactional Categorization and Gatekeeping: Institutional Encounters with Otherness Language, Mobility and Institutions, nr. 4 Autor Louise Trankjaer et al. 14 mai 2015 Hardback Preț: 776.50 lei 1008.43 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
Assessing Multilingual Children Disentangling Bilingualism from Language Impairment: Identities and Writing Processes Communication Disorders Across Languages, nr. 13 Editat de Sharon Armon-Lotem et al. 14 apr 2015 Paperback Preț: 449.56 lei 6-8 săpt.
Assessing Multilingual Children: Disentangling Bilingualism from Language Impairment Communication Disorders Across Languages, nr. 13 Autor Sharon De Jon et al. 27 apr 2015 Hardback Preț: 891.83 lei 1158.22 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
Working Memory in Second Language Acquisition and Processing Second Language Acquisition, nr. 87 Editat de Zhisheng (Edward) Wen et al. 30 apr 2015 Paperback Preț: 375.60 lei 6-8 săpt.
Creative Composition New Writing Viewpoints, nr. 12 Editat de Danita Berg et al. 30 apr 2015 Paperback Preț: 291.57 lei 6-8 săpt.
Approaches to Inclusive English Classrooms Parents' And Teachers' Guides, nr. 21 Autor Kate Mastruserio Reynolds mar 2015 Paperback Preț: 268.09 lei 6-8 săpt.
Academic Literacy and Student Diversity New Perspectives on Language and Education, nr. 42 Autor Ursula Wingate 31 mar 2015 Paperback Preț: 256.55 lei 6-8 săpt.