First European Congress of Mathematics: Volume I Invited Lectures Part 1 Progress in Mathematics, nr. 3 Editat de Anthony Joseph et al. iul 1994 Hardback Preț: 413.92 lei 43-57 zile
Exterior Differential Systems and the Calculus of Variations Progress in Mathematics, nr. 25 Autor P A Griffiths 1983 Paperback Preț: 586.70 lei 690.24 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Uniqueness and Non-Uniqueness in the Cauchy Problem Progress in Mathematics, nr. 33 Autor Zuily 1983 Paperback Preț: 381.43 lei 43-57 zile
Combinatorics and Commutative Algebra Progress in Mathematics, nr. 41 Autor Richard P. Stanley 15 oct 2004 Paperback Preț: 465.34 lei 547.46 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Les Conjectures de Stark sur les Fonctions L d'Artin en s=0: Notes d'un cours a Orsay redigees par Dominique Bernardi Progress in Mathematics, nr. 47 Autor J. Tate 1984 Hardback Preț: 387.38 lei 43-57 zile
Hyperfunctions and Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces Progress in Mathematics, nr. 49 Autor Henrik Schlichtkrull 1984 Hardback Preț: 389.88 lei 43-57 zile
Analytic Number Theory and Diophantine Problems: Proceedings of a Conference at Oklahoma State University, 1984 Progress in Mathematics, nr. 70 Editat de A.C. Adolphson et al. 21 oct 2011 Paperback Preț: 391.22 lei 43-57 zile
Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres, Paris 1985–86 Progress in Mathematics, nr. 71 Editat de C. Goldstein 1987 Hardback Preț: 391.61 lei 43-57 zile
Andreotti-Grauert Theory by Integral Formulas Progress in Mathematics, nr. 74 Autor Chenkin et al. oct 1988 Paperback Preț: 386.00 lei 43-57 zile
Topological Methods in Algebraic Transformation Groups: Proceedings of a Conference at Rutgers University Progress in Mathematics, nr. 80 Autor Kraft 17 sep 2011 Paperback Preț: 383.33 lei 43-57 zile
Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres, Paris 1987-88 Progress in Mathematics, nr. 81 Autor Goldstein 16 sep 2011 Paperback Preț: 391.22 lei 43-57 zile
The Orbit Method in Representation Theory: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Copenhagen, August to September 1988 Progress in Mathematics, nr. 82 Autor Dulfo et al. 1990 Hardback Preț: 392.37 lei 43-57 zile
Sur les Groupes Hyperboliques d’après Mikhael Gromov Progress in Mathematics, nr. 83 Editat de Etienne Ghys et al. 1990 Paperback Preț: 693.06 lei 815.37 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Mappings of Operator Algebras Progress in Mathematics, nr. 84 Autor Araki et al. 31 dec 1990 Hardback Preț: 586.02 lei 689.43 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Analytic Number Theory: Proceedings of a Conference in Honor of Paul T. Bateman Progress in Mathematics, nr. 85 Editat de B. Berndt 21 oct 2011 Paperback Preț: 652.49 lei 767.63 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry Progress in Mathematics, nr. 94 Autor Mora et al. 30 apr 1991 Hardback Preț: 595.69 lei 700.80 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Pseudodifferential Operators and Nonlinear PDE Progress in Mathematics, nr. 100 Autor Michael Taylor noi 1991 Paperback Preț: 729.53 lei 889.68 lei 43-57 zile -18%
New Developments in Lie Theory and Their Applications Progress in Mathematics, nr. 105 Autor Juan Tirao et al. 26 sep 2011 Paperback Preț: 385.08 lei 43-57 zile
Computational Algebraic Geometry Progress in Mathematics, nr. 109 Editat de Frederic Eyssette et al. 16 sep 2011 Paperback Preț: 391.02 lei 43-57 zile
Decomposition Spectrale et Series d'Eisenstein Progress in Mathematics, nr. 113 Autor C. Moeglin et al. 1993 Hardback Preț: 650.69 lei 765.51 lei 43-57 zile -15%
First European Congress of Mathematics Paris, July 6–10, 1992: Vol. I Invited Lectures (Part 1) Progress in Mathematics, nr. 119-121 Editat de Anthony Joseph et al. iul 1994 Hardback Preț: 416.92 lei 38-44 zile
First European Congress of Mathematics Paris, July 6–10, 1992: Vol. II: Invited Lectures (Part 2) Progress in Mathematics, nr. 120 Editat de Anthony Joseph et al. iul 1994 Hardback Preț: 902.65 lei 1100.80 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Propagation and Interaction of Singularities in Nonlinear Hyperbolic Problems Progress in Mathematics, nr. 130 Autor Michael Beals noi 1989 Paperback Preț: 380.25 lei 43-57 zile
The Floer Memorial Volume Progress in Mathematics, nr. 133 Editat de Helmut Hofer et al. 28 sep 1995 Hardback Preț: 667.20 lei 784.95 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Algebraic Geometry and Singularities Progress in Mathematics, nr. 134 Editat de Antonio Campillo Lopez et al. 18 sep 2011 Paperback Preț: 1005.61 lei 1226.35 lei 43-57 zile -18%
C0-Groups, Commutator Methods and Spectral Theory of N-Body Hamiltonians Progress in Mathematics, nr. 135 Autor Werner Amrein et al. 29 feb 1996 Hardback Preț: 406.42 lei 43-57 zile
Algebraic Topology: New Trends in Localization and Periodicity: Barcelona Conference on Algebraic Topology, Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Spain, June 1–7, 1994 Progress in Mathematics, nr. 136 Editat de Carles Broto et al. 8 oct 2011 Paperback Preț: 395.47 lei 43-57 zile
Representations modulaires des groupes reductifs p-adiques. Representations cuspidales de GL(n) Progress in Mathematics, nr. 137 Autor Marie-France Vigneras 30 iul 1996 Hardback Preț: 393.35 lei 43-57 zile
Analytic Number Theory: Proceedings of a Conference In Honor of Heini Halberstam Volume 1 Progress in Mathematics, nr. 138 Editat de Bruce C. Berndt et al. iun 1996 Hardback Preț: 959.04 lei 1169.56 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Analytic Number Theory:The Halberstam Festschrift 2 Progress in Mathematics, nr. 139 Editat de Bruce C. Berndt et al. mai 1996 Hardback Preț: 816.65 lei 995.91 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Algorithms in Algebraic Geometry and Applications Progress in Mathematics, nr. 143 Editat de Laureano Gonzalez-Vega et al. 22 sep 2011 Paperback Preț: 395.25 lei 43-57 zile
Sub-Riemannian Geometry Progress in Mathematics, nr. 144 Editat de Andre Bellaiche et al. 26 sep 1996 Hardback Preț: 652.49 lei 767.63 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Integrable Systems and Foliations: Feuilletages et Systèmes Intégrables Progress in Mathematics, nr. 145 Autor Claude Albert et al. 1997 Hardback Preț: 643.34 lei 756.86 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Two-Dimensional Conformal Geometry and Vertex Operator Algebras Progress in Mathematics, nr. 148 Autor Yi-Zhi Huang 15 iul 1997 Hardback Preț: 646.62 lei 760.73 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Geometry of Subanalytic and Semialgebraic Sets Progress in Mathematics, nr. 150 Autor M. Shiota et al. 31 aug 1997 Hardback Preț: 592.40 lei 696.94 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Compactifications of Symmetric Spaces Progress in Mathematics, nr. 156 Autor Yves Guivarc'h et al. 20 sep 2011 Paperback Preț: 388.52 lei 43-57 zile
Geometry and Representation Theory of Real and p-adic groups Progress in Mathematics, nr. 158 Editat de Juan Tirao et al. 18 noi 1997 Hardback Preț: 397.38 lei 43-57 zile
Mathematical Essays in honor of Gian-Carlo Rota Progress in Mathematics, nr. 161 Autor Bruce Sagan et al. mai 1998 Hardback Preț: 1231.78 lei 1502.17 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Six Lectures on Commutative Algebra Progress in Mathematics, nr. 166 Editat de J. Elias et al. 16 iun 1998 Hardback Preț: 405.48 lei 43-57 zile
European Congress of Mathematics: Budapest, July 22-26, 1996 Volume I Progress in Mathematics, nr. 168 Editat de Antal Balog et al. 18 sep 2011 Paperback Preț: 391.79 lei 43-57 zile
Tree Lattices Progress in Mathematics, nr. 176 Apendix de H. Bass et al. 17 sep 2011 Paperback Preț: 385.62 lei 43-57 zile
Courbes semi-stables et groupe fondamental en geometrie algebrique: Luminy, Decembre 1998 Progress in Mathematics, nr. 187 Editat de Jean-Benoit Bost et al. aug 2000 Hardback Preț: 950.96 lei 1159.71 lei 43-57 zile -18%
The Symmetry Perspective: From Equilibrium to Chaos in Phase Space and Physical Space Progress in Mathematics, nr. 200 Autor Martin Golubitsky et al. 2002 Hardback Preț: 592.77 lei 697.37 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Riemannian Geometry of Contact and Symplectic Manifolds Progress in Mathematics, nr. 203 Autor David E. Blair 25 aug 2010 Hardback Preț: 1117.19 lei 1362.43 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Analysis on Lie Groups with Polynomial Growth Progress in Mathematics, nr. 214 Autor Nick Dungey et al. 16 sep 2011 Paperback Preț: 389.70 lei 43-57 zile
Coxeter Matroids Progress in Mathematics, nr. 216 Autor Alexandre V. Borovik et al. 11 iul 2003 Hardback Preț: 644.95 lei 758.77 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Frobenius Splitting Methods in Geometry and Representation Theory Progress in Mathematics, nr. 231 Autor Michel Brion et al. 10 dec 2004 Hardback Preț: 531.59 lei 625.40 lei 43-57 zile | 6-12 zile -15%
The Breadth of Symplectic and Poisson Geometry: Festschrift in Honor of Alan Weinstein Progress in Mathematics, nr. 232 Editat de Jerrold E. Marsden et al. 30 noi 2004 Hardback Preț: 1023.28 lei 1247.90 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Singular Sets of Minimizers for the Mumford-Shah Functional Progress in Mathematics, nr. 233 Autor Guy David 22 mar 2005 Hardback Preț: 665.73 lei 783.22 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Complex, Contact and Symmetric Manifolds: In Honor of L. Vanhecke Progress in Mathematics, nr. 234 Editat de Oldrich Kowalski et al. 30 noi 2004 Hardback Preț: 950.33 lei 1158.95 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Geometric Methods in Algebra and Number Theory Progress in Mathematics, nr. 235 Editat de Fedor Bogomolov et al. 12 noi 2004 Hardback Preț: 408.54 lei 43-57 zile
Infinite Dimensional Algebras and Quantum Integrable Systems Progress in Mathematics, nr. 237 Editat de Petr P. Kulish et al. 20 apr 2005 Hardback Preț: 646.43 lei 760.50 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Harmonic Analysis, Signal Processing, and Complexity: Festschrift in Honor of the 60th Birthday of Carlos A. Berenstein Progress in Mathematics, nr. 238 Editat de Irene Sabadini et al. iul 2005 Hardback Preț: 944.19 lei 1151.45 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Number Fields and Function Fields – Two Parallel Worlds Progress in Mathematics, nr. 239 Editat de Gerard B.M. van der Geer et al. 14 sep 2005 Hardback Preț: 732.70 lei 893.54 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Perturbation Methods and Semilinear Elliptic Problems on R^n Progress in Mathematics, nr. 240 Autor Antonio Ambrosetti et al. 18 noi 2005 Hardback Preț: 390.08 lei 43-57 zile
On the Topology of Isolated Singularities in Analytic Spaces Progress in Mathematics, nr. 241 Autor José Seade 18 noi 2005 Hardback Preț: 702.05 lei 825.94 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Poisson Structures and Their Normal Forms Progress in Mathematics, nr. 242 Autor Jean-Paul Dufour et al. 16 sep 2005 Hardback Preț: 791.09 lei 964.74 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Studies in Lie Theory: Dedicated to A. Joseph on his Sixtieth Birthday Progress in Mathematics, nr. 243 Editat de Joseph Bernstein et al. 26 ian 2006 Hardback Preț: 1013.65 lei 1236.15 lei 43-57 zile -18%
The Unity of Mathematics: In Honor of the Ninetieth Birthday of I.M. Gelfand Progress in Mathematics, nr. 244 Editat de Pavel Etingof et al. 15 noi 2005 Hardback Preț: 1136.74 lei 1386.27 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Cycle Spaces of Flag Domains: A Complex Geometric Viewpoint Progress in Mathematics, nr. 245 Autor Gregor Fels et al. 12 dec 2005 Hardback Preț: 788.72 lei 961.85 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Differential Geometry and Analysis on CR Manifolds Progress in Mathematics, nr. 246 Autor Sorin Dragomir et al. 17 mar 2006 Hardback Preț: 1122.24 lei 1368.59 lei 43-57 zile -18%
The Algebra of Secondary Cohomology Operations Progress in Mathematics, nr. 247 Autor Hans-Joachim Baues 17 mar 2006 Hardback Preț: 958.39 lei 1168.77 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Infinite Groups: Geometric, Combinatorial and Dynamical Aspects Progress in Mathematics, nr. 248 Editat de Laurent Bartholdi et al. 9 dec 2005 Hardback Preț: 653.14 lei 768.40 lei 43-57 zile -15%
An Invitation to Quantum Cohomology: Kontsevich's Formula for Rational Plane Curves Progress in Mathematics, nr. 249 Autor Joachim Kock et al. 24 oct 2006 Hardback Preț: 525.66 lei 618.43 lei 43-57 zile -15%
The Fourfold Way in Real Analysis: An Alternative to the Metaplectic Representation Progress in Mathematics, nr. 250 Autor André Unterberger 17 mar 2006 Hardback Preț: 392.37 lei 43-57 zile
Rigorous Quantum Field Theory: A Festschrift for Jacques Bros Progress in Mathematics, nr. 251 Editat de Anne Boutet de Monvel et al. 23 oct 2006 Hardback Preț: 650.19 lei 764.93 lei 43-57 zile -15%
From Geometry to Quantum Mechanics: In Honor of Hideki Omori Progress in Mathematics, nr. 252 Editat de Yoshiaki Maeda et al. 18 dec 2006 Hardback Preț: 646.75 lei 760.88 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory: In Honor of Vladimir Drinfeld's 50th Birthday Progress in Mathematics, nr. 253 Editat de victor ginzburg 13 sep 2006 Hardback Preț: 965.97 lei 1178.01 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Holomorphic Morse Inequalities and Bergman Kernels Progress in Mathematics, nr. 254 Autor Xiaonan Ma et al. 19 iul 2007 Hardback Preț: 797.07 lei 972.03 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Eisenstein Series and Applications Progress in Mathematics, nr. 258 Editat de Wee Teck Gan et al. 18 ian 2008 Hardback Preț: 640.51 lei 753.54 lei 43-57 zile -15%
An Introduction to the Heisenberg Group and the Sub-Riemannian Isoperimetric Problem Progress in Mathematics, nr. 259 Autor Luca Capogna et al. 17 apr 2007 Hardback Preț: 894.34 lei 1090.66 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Arithmetic and Geometry Around Hypergeometric Functions: Lecture Notes of a CIMPA Summer School held at Galatasaray University, Istanbul, 2005 Progress in Mathematics, nr. 260 Editat de Rolf-Peter Holzapfel et al. 22 ian 2007 Hardback Preț: 797.41 lei 972.46 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Polynomial Convexity Progress in Mathematics, nr. 261 Autor Edgar Lee Stout 3 mai 2007 Hardback Preț: 651.99 lei 767.05 lei 43-57 zile -15%
L'isomorphisme entre les tours de Lubin-Tate et de Drinfeld Progress in Mathematics, nr. 262 Autor Laurent Fargues et al. 17 dec 2007 Hardback Preț: 596.87 lei 702.21 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Walks on Ordinals and Their Characteristics Progress in Mathematics, nr. 263 Autor Stevo Todorcevic 17 sep 2007 Hardback Preț: 650.04 lei 764.76 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Determinantal Ideals Progress in Mathematics, nr. 264 Autor Rosa M. Miró-Roig 16 noi 2007 Hardback Preț: 387.38 lei 43-57 zile
Geometry and Dynamics of Groups and Spaces: In Memory of Alexander Reznikov Progress in Mathematics, nr. 265 Editat de Mikhail Kapranov et al. 17 dec 2007 Hardback Preț: 675.22 lei 794.38 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Vanishing and Finiteness Results in Geometric Analysis: A Generalization of the Bochner Technique Progress in Mathematics, nr. 266 Autor Stefano Pigola et al. 17 apr 2008 Hardback Preț: 397.38 lei 43-57 zile
Suites de Sturm, indice de Maslov et périodicité de Bott Progress in Mathematics, nr. 267 Autor Jean Barge et al. 23 iun 2008 Hardback Preț: 390.63 lei 43-57 zile
Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry: Volume II: In Honor of Yu. I. Manin Progress in Mathematics, nr. 270 Editat de Yuri Tschinkel et al. 15 apr 2010 Hardback Preț: 1134.06 lei 1383.01 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Dimension and Recurrence in Hyperbolic Dynamics Progress in Mathematics, nr. 272 Autor Luis Barreira 17 iul 2008 Hardback Preț: 398.35 lei 43-57 zile
Stable Homotopy Around the Arf-Kervaire Invariant Progress in Mathematics, nr. 273 Autor Victor P. Snaith 19 feb 2009 Hardback Preț: 399.29 lei 43-57 zile
Frobenius Categories versus Brauer Blocks: The Grothendieck Group of the Frobenius Category of a Brauer Block Progress in Mathematics, nr. 274 Autor Lluís Puig 13 mar 2009 Hardback Preț: 745.33 lei 908.94 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Families of Conformally Covariant Differential Operators, Q-Curvature and Holography Progress in Mathematics, nr. 275 Autor Andreas Juhl 13 mai 2009 Hardback Preț: 662.95 lei 779.94 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Fourier-Mukai and Nahm Transforms in Geometry and Mathematical Physics Progress in Mathematics, nr. 276 Autor CLAUDIO BARTOCCI et al. 4 iun 2009 Hardback Preț: 1120.81 lei 1366.84 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Quantitative Arithmetic of Projective Varieties Progress in Mathematics, nr. 277 Autor Timothy D. Browning 18 sep 2009 Hardback Preț: 727.18 lei 886.80 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Arithmetic and Geometry Around Quantization Progress in Mathematics, nr. 279 Editat de Özgür Ceyhan et al. 3 iun 2010 Hardback Preț: 950.84 lei 1159.56 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Liaison, Schottky Problem and Invariant Theory: Remembering Federico Gaeta Progress in Mathematics, nr. 280 Editat de Maria Emilia Alonso et al. 12 mar 2010 Hardback Preț: 574.08 lei 717.60 lei 38-44 zile -20%
Cohomological and Geometric Approaches to Rationality Problems: New Perspectives Progress in Mathematics, nr. 282 Editat de Fedor Bogomolov et al. 10 dec 2009 Hardback Preț: 648.05 lei 762.42 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups Progress in Mathematics, nr. 284 Editat de Akihiko Gyoja et al. 3 dec 2010 Hardback Preț: 650.04 lei 764.76 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Ramsey Theory: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Progress in Mathematics, nr. 285 Editat de Alexander Soifer 5 noi 2010 Hardback Preț: 642.03 lei 755.33 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Higher Structures in Geometry and Physics: In Honor of Murray Gerstenhaber and Jim Stasheff Progress in Mathematics, nr. 287 Editat de Alberto S. Cattaneo et al. 3 dec 2010 Hardback Preț: 650.86 lei 765.72 lei 43-57 zile -15%
Developments and Trends in Infinite-Dimensional Lie Theory Progress in Mathematics, nr. 288 Editat de Karl-Hermann Neeb et al. 28 oct 2010 Hardback Preț: 960.42 lei 1171.25 lei 43-57 zile -18%
The Geometry of Complex Domains Progress in Mathematics, nr. 291 Autor Robert E. Greene et al. 30 mai 2011 Hardback Preț: 952.09 lei 1161.08 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Geometric Aspects of Analysis and Mechanics: In Honor of the 65th Birthday of Hans Duistermaat Progress in Mathematics, nr. 292 Editat de Erik P. van den Ban et al. iul 2011 Hardback Preț: 956.03 lei 1165.88 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Highlights in Lie Algebraic Methods Progress in Mathematics, nr. 295 Editat de Anthony Joseph et al. 19 oct 2011 Hardback Preț: 643.99 lei 757.63 lei 43-57 zile -15%